How Can I Help

Mental Wellbeing – relief of anxiety and stress
Would you like to feel more at ease and in control? Moving away from all the ‘What if’s’ and a hypervigilant state - towards a more relaxed frame of mind; where you can experience more feelings of peace and control? A certain amount of stress is motivating, but it can so easily get out of hand, and have an impact on many areas of your life.
Specialising in anxiety:
Weight Loss
Do you struggle with yo-yo dieting? Comfort eating? Would you like to adopt a better relationship with food and to feel more in control?
The sessions help with thoughts, feelings and behaviours that may be causing weight problems, and that may be keeping you stuck in a loop of negative behaviour patterns. They will help you move away from these, and towards more life affirming habits.
Free yourself from Addictions/habits
Are you struggling with smoking? Vaping? Alcohol intake? The need for oral gratification can have many root causes and is very common. Does stress cause you to keep locked into habitual patterns? Do you use the substance as a reward?
Negative behaviours will be addressed, that have been taking you into a downward spiral, keeping you trapped; and ultimately help to give the control back to you with a focus on more empowering ways of rewarding yourself and of stress relief.
Enhance your confidence
Confidence means to have faith in yourself. Do you struggle with low self-esteem? Do you often doubt yourself and your abilities? Do you want to adopt a more ‘I can’ approach? Maybe it is a certain area of your life that trips you up, like meeting people for the first time or with public speaking?
We will look at the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that keep you stuck in feeling a lack of self-worth, and help you embrace the reality that you are a unique being, that deserves to feel good about themselves.
Self-understanding through Astrology
Would you like to have more understanding of your natal chart? Are you curious about underlying challenges and strengths? Is there a specific area you would like to explore, e.g. relationships, career, health?
A reading will help you connect with the richness of your unique natal blueprint, increasing self-awareness and acceptance, and help you to embrace the cycles and phases of your life – preparing you for upcoming energies, so that you can work with them and accept their ultimate help towards self-growth.
Integrative sessions
Weaving together all that I practise, allowing for self-understanding, exploring cycles/phases. Working on any challenges, with the aim of releasing areas that you feel stuck in. Looking at your strengths and what may be preventing the expression of them. Awareness of certain times in your own lunar cycle, that are prime times to release the old and adopt a healthier mindset. It may be that taking flower essences will then further support this work.
And so much more

About Kathy
Working in a truly holistic way, using gentle and powerful techniques, to help you become the best version of yourself. Moving away from anxieties and doubts, towards inner calm and freedom. Helping you to embrace your true potential, and find more balance, clarity and self-acceptance. Aware of my sensitivity and intuitive abilities from a very early age, by my twenties I realised I had a strong desire to help people in a healing way. It was at this time that I was drawn to develop a regular meditation practice and began what has been and still is, a lifelong process of learning and investigation into both the healing and mystical worlds, including Astrology, dowsing and the Tarot. My work background has been for the NHS in psychiatric and cancer care - giving me a great understanding of the stress and strain that mental health issues and physical disease can cause. I have a background and am qualified in various complementary therapies including Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Flower Essences and Reiki healing.  I hold a Diploma in Professional Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis and Advanced Hypnotherapy & Coaching from the Andrew Parr Practitioner Academy, and am an accredited member of the professional organisation ACCPH, with full insurance. ​ I am passionate about the efficacy of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) having had marvellous results in my own life and witnessed it in others. I trained with Val and EFT Master Paul Lynch and Matrix Re-imprinting with its creator, EFT Master Karl Dawson.  I have also trained in Light Matrix with Sharon King, and am also qualified to facilitate past life regression. ​ I hold a Person Centred Counselling Skills Certificate (NOCN). My goal and focus in my work is to empower, inspire and help create a safe space that allows for healing to take place and for people to become the best versions of themselves. Currently, I also work part of the time for a local charity supporting parent carers. I am a mother of three and live in East Sussex. 'Nothing binds you except your thoughts; nothing limits you except your fear; and nothing controls you except your beliefs' Marianne Williamson

My Services
Gentle and powerful techniques, that work on aligning the conscious with the subconscious mind. This is very important, as these two areas of the brain are often at odds with each other. The subconscious lies beneath the surface of our awareness, storing memories and experiences, having a great influence upon you - possibly keeping you stuck in the familiar, and the past.
Regression is a gentle healing technique that takes you on a hypnotic journey, safely into a past life time or incarnation by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in the subconscious mind.
Would you like to find out more about your unique blueprint taken from your date, time & place of birth? Which will allow you to enter into a world of self-discovery, with an understanding of both challenge and strengths in your natal chart, and therefore the potential for both change and self-acceptance.