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What is the Tarot?
Tarot cards are rich in pictorial symbolism and archetypes, which make them a wonderful spiritual and psychological developmental tool.  After all 'a picture paints a thousand words'.

How will a reading help me?​
Like Astrology, Tarot can help with all aspects of life including relationship, career, life purpose and wellbeing.
As nothing is 'set in stone' and you have free will, there is more of a focus on potential & possibility, with the aim of empowerment and positive steps for moving forward.

Clients will often have a topic or two that they wish to explore and the cards always give wonderful guidance.
In any one session, I will use various esoteric tools, including Astrology, Tarot, Runes and the Ogham.

Flower essences and other gentle, non-intrusive healing modalities may be used to support you, as well as help release patterns.
Tarot only: 60 minutes for £45
GIFT VOUCHERS available.


Tarot lessons?
Tarot becomes the very best friend, enriching your life and giving you a very powerful tool for helping both yourself and others.

The format is flexible, based on possible prior knowledge.  This will include a full exploration of the Major Arcana, Minor Arcana and Court Cards, as well as practising various spreads that you can use for reading.  Full workbook provided.
People may need a 6 week course, more or less. The cost is £30 per 90 minute session.

For information about tarot tuition please contact me via contact form or by telephone.


For an appointment or to find out more.  I offer free 15 minute consultations

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